Friday, October 26, 2012

James Haskell Body Fit Camps

                                          James Haskell Body Fit

I have been training professionally since the age of 16 when I first decided I wanted to change my physique and mindset about training and developing my body.

 In the ensuing period I have had the opportunity to work with some truly great trainers; to learn about conditioning, the importance of nutrition but above all how to train well and most importantly, how to train smart.

I want to share this knowledge of training with you.  The rights, wrongs, the dos and don’ts.  This introductory course has been designed to cater for anyone, be they rugby fans, rugby players, gym bunnies or just people looking for somewhere to start. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, the one lesson I have learnt is you can always improve and there are always new techniques and styles to try.

My fitness blog was the first stage of the process  . The courses are the next step in the evolution. Come and be part of it.

One of the areas in which I personally have really focused of late is functional fitness work. Of all the things I have tried, I find this by far and away the best way to condition the body for rugby. However it also offers some great add-ons to those who weight-lift, fight, run or just love to train hard.

 With this in mind I have decided to hold a fitness course, with professional trainer Richard Tidmarsh   to introduce you to this area and put you through your paces.

Richard has worked with me for the last two years and has changed significantly the way I approach and think about training. We are working together to create some great sessions which you won’t love but will appreciate!!

The camp is to be held on the 15thDecember 2012 at Reach Fitness, Clapham
There are just 20 places available.  So if you want to get involved, then Sign up here

You don’t have to be super fit to attend; the course will be tailored to your ability. Both men and women are welcome but unfortunately there is an age limit of 18s and over at this stage.
The idea of the day is to shape an introduction into some of the key areas of functional training. Perform an actual session; receive one-on-one coaching from Richard and myself. There will be talk from a nutritionist with handouts, tips and takeaway information.  Richard and I will also answer any questions you have post training.

Anyone who attends will receive a Maximuscle goodie bag, a bespoke James Haskell body fit t-shirt and two follow-up training programmes

Sample format of the day

11.00- Arrive – registration.
11.15- Course Introduction and nutrition talk. Explanation of the training session plan and walk through.
11.40- Warm up
12.45- Session close. Cool down and nutrition shakes.
13.10- Q and A with Richard and James
13.45 Depart with goodie bag and session handouts.

Don’t miss out - places are limited. Cost £80 book now and start your fitness journey.

Remember the course motto - Work Hard or Walk Home!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nutrition - Blueberry Nutrition Guest Blog

I have decided to try and add a whole selection of guest blogs to my page, to help you get that edge, whether thats in Training or Nutrition, and of course to improve your knowledge. (mine as well) These will cover all sorts, training, nutrition, celeb interviews, guest trainers from different sports. 

The importance of different methods is not to put all your eggs into one basket, but to cherry pick what works for you, try something. If its good keep it, if not throw it away. No one has the complete answer, whatever they say.

My first guest blog is from the top people at Blueberry Nutrition. 


Blueberry Nutrition has been developed to provide Professional and individually-tailored nutrition plans for anybody from housewives to office workers to elite athletes. 

We supply bespoke nutrition plans that are tailored around each individuals needs. Our nutritionists create a profile based on specific information provided by the client with their aims, dietary requirements and personal taste all given equal importance. Each client’s calorific needs are calculated and the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are determined in the correct amounts/ratios dependent upon what the client hopes to achieve.

Each person’s diet plan is created with them in mind. If you don’t like mushrooms, you won’t see them in your plan. By the same token, if you simply cannot live without a certain food or dish it can be included.We guarantee to deliver your bespoke diet plan within FIVE days of you submitting your profile. Every 28 days a new plan is sent to the client with any necessary amendments to help achieve amazing results.

We currently work with a great number of individuals and teams - all of whom have seen amazing results.

Blueberry Nutrition, WSS Exeter, The Old Coal Yard, Exmouth Junction, Exeter, Devon EX4 7BY

Blueberry Nutrition Blog. #1

Nutrition is the cornerstone to any healthy lifestyle , whether  you’re an office worker ,a keen gym user or indeed a professional athlete – we all know(or we should know ) that whatever goes into our bodies ultimately has an effect on the way we feel , the way we act and our performance. 

What does an over-weight person, an amateur gym user looking to pack on muscle and a professional athlete all have in common? – THEY ALL HAVE TO EAT!  Not only do they have to eat but they have to manipulate their current diets in order to achieve their individual goals. E.g. an overweight person has to consume fewer Kcals over time to lose weight whereas a professional athlete may need to increase their kcals in order to increase running time.

Here is a brief overview of the macro nutrients that we all need each day to maintain our health and strive to reach new targets.


Protein is a macro nutrient that is especially familiar with anyone looking to pack on quality lean muscle mass.  Proteins are used for building, maintenance and reparation of body tissue such as muscle. Proteins are large molecules which are made up of amino acid sub units. Amino acids can be classified into essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids have to be obtained through diet; these include valine, tryptophan, and isoleucine.  

Non-essential amino acids which include alanine, cysteine and glycine can be synthesised in the body. Amino acids join together with a peptide bond to form peptides. A peptide is a compound that consists of two or more amino acids, when there are 10 or fewer amino acids joined together the compound is known as an oligopeptide. Polypeptides are chains of 10 or more amino acids. Peptides containing more than 50 amino acids are classified as proteins.

(The diagram displays 2 amino acids joining together with a peptide bond, resulting in a dipeptide and a water molecule (H20)

The average person’s diet normally consists of approx. 15-25% Protein.  So an average man eating 2500kcals /day would eat approx. 94g- 150g protein daily

If you were looking to pack on muscle increasing your protein intake to 1.5-2.5g/Kg of body weight has been shown to increase lean muscle gains so a 100kg man could potentially consume 250Kg of protein /day.

Good sources of protein include –

·      Chicken breast  (140g)    –       approx. 40g protein
·      Tuna steak  (111g)           -        approx. 30g protein
·      Turkey breast (125g)      -         approx. 44g protein
·      Quinoa (43g)                    -         approx.6g protein *

*Quinoa is worth noting that it contains a full range of essential amino acids, which is unusual for a plant product.


Carbohydrates are metabolized into the blood glucose to become the body’s primary source of energy and exist in our diet in two forms – simple and complex. The simple forms of carbohydrates are the sugars, which are generally present as single units called monosaccharides. These include glucose, fructose and maltose. Disaccharides are also simple sugars and are formed when monosaccharide’s combine in pairs. The most well-known disaccharide is sucrose (table sugar). It is formed by the condensation of glucose and fructose. Simple or refined sugars offer calorific energy and nothing else in the way of nutrition – they are empty calories.

 Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains, vegetables, pulses and fruit and exist as sugars that include starches and fibre as part of their molecular make up.

Complex carbohydrates provide a slower and more sustained release of energy than simple carbohydrates .In their natural form they contribute to long-term good health, appetite control and sustained energy levels.

(The diagram above displays the disaccharide sucrose which is comprised of glucose and fructose monosaccharides. A starch molecule is also displayed showing it is made of many monosaccharide sub-units)

The average person’s diet normally consists of approx. 50-60% Carbohydrate.  So an average man eating 2500kcals /day would eat approx. 312g- 375g daily

Good sources of complex carbohydrates include -

·      Sweet potato (130g)    -    approx. 36g carbohydrate
·      Brown rice (45g)           -    approx. 37g carbohydrate
·      Banana (130g)               -    approx. 32g carbohydrate
·      Quinoa (43g)                 -    approx.  28g carbohydrate


Fats (lipids) are a good source of calorific energy, but are so concentrated a form it is easy to unwittingly over balance your personal ‘calories consumed / calories expended’ equation with too much fat. Dietary fat exists as saturated and unsaturated fatty acids arranged in triglycerides of varying composition. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are both comprised of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. A saturated fatty acid has the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms attached to every carbon atom. 

It is therefore said to be ‘saturated’ with hydrogen atoms and all of the carbons are attached to each other with single bonds. In some fatty acids, a pair of hydrogen atoms in the middle of a chain is missing, creating a gap that leaves two carbon atoms connected by a double bond rather than a single bond. Because the chain has fewer hydrogen atoms, it is said to be ‘unsaturated’. 

A fatty acid with one double bond is called ‘monounsaturated’ because it has one gap. Fatty acids which have more than one gap are called ‘polyunsaturated’.   Saturated fats are commonly found in foods from animals. These include beef, beef fat (stearic acid), pork, cheeses and other dairy products. Saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the two unsaturated fats. They're found primarily in oils from plants. 

Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature but may solidify when refrigerated. Food sources include olive oil, peanuts and avocados .Polyunsaturated fats are found in foods such as soybeans, corn, sesame and sunflower seeds and their oil. These fats are usually liquid at room temperature.

 (The diagram displays a saturated fatty acid and an unsaturated fatty acid)

The average person’s diet normally consists of approx.25% - 35% fat -.  So an average man eating 2500kcals /day would eat approx. 70g – 90g daily. This should consist of mainly unsaturated fats.

Good sources of unsaturated fats include –

·      Olive oil  (11g)        -    approx. 11g fat
·      Almonds (48g)        -    approx. 28g fat
·      Avocado (150g)    -   approx. 23g fat
·      Salmon fillet (82g)  –   approx. 11g fat

Also worth noting – below is a table that displays how many Kcal/g each macro nutrient contains


I hope this has in some way been helpful, be it that you have learnt a little something new or just re-affirmed what you already know.

The next blog will show you how you can manipulate your diet in order to promote lean muscle gains – this will also contain a sample diet plan of someone who wants to pack on a few kilos of muscle and in turn reduce body fat too.