Friday, October 26, 2012

James Haskell Body Fit Camps

                                          James Haskell Body Fit

I have been training professionally since the age of 16 when I first decided I wanted to change my physique and mindset about training and developing my body.

 In the ensuing period I have had the opportunity to work with some truly great trainers; to learn about conditioning, the importance of nutrition but above all how to train well and most importantly, how to train smart.

I want to share this knowledge of training with you.  The rights, wrongs, the dos and don’ts.  This introductory course has been designed to cater for anyone, be they rugby fans, rugby players, gym bunnies or just people looking for somewhere to start. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, the one lesson I have learnt is you can always improve and there are always new techniques and styles to try.

My fitness blog was the first stage of the process  . The courses are the next step in the evolution. Come and be part of it.

One of the areas in which I personally have really focused of late is functional fitness work. Of all the things I have tried, I find this by far and away the best way to condition the body for rugby. However it also offers some great add-ons to those who weight-lift, fight, run or just love to train hard.

 With this in mind I have decided to hold a fitness course, with professional trainer Richard Tidmarsh   to introduce you to this area and put you through your paces.

Richard has worked with me for the last two years and has changed significantly the way I approach and think about training. We are working together to create some great sessions which you won’t love but will appreciate!!

The camp is to be held on the 15thDecember 2012 at Reach Fitness, Clapham
There are just 20 places available.  So if you want to get involved, then Sign up here

You don’t have to be super fit to attend; the course will be tailored to your ability. Both men and women are welcome but unfortunately there is an age limit of 18s and over at this stage.
The idea of the day is to shape an introduction into some of the key areas of functional training. Perform an actual session; receive one-on-one coaching from Richard and myself. There will be talk from a nutritionist with handouts, tips and takeaway information.  Richard and I will also answer any questions you have post training.

Anyone who attends will receive a Maximuscle goodie bag, a bespoke James Haskell body fit t-shirt and two follow-up training programmes

Sample format of the day

11.00- Arrive – registration.
11.15- Course Introduction and nutrition talk. Explanation of the training session plan and walk through.
11.40- Warm up
12.45- Session close. Cool down and nutrition shakes.
13.10- Q and A with Richard and James
13.45 Depart with goodie bag and session handouts.

Don’t miss out - places are limited. Cost £80 book now and start your fitness journey.

Remember the course motto - Work Hard or Walk Home!

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