Thursday, November 1, 2012

Training - Triathlons, Long Distance Running.

                Long Distance Running and Endurance.

Now I know a lot of you guys aren’t all Rugby players, Body builders or Gym Bunnies. So I have teamed up with another guest blogger, Max Willcocks. 

Max and I went to school for a number of years together and he has always been a fantastic athlete. He played rugby to a very high level, and for a while was involved with harlequins.

Max has been an endurance athlete for a while and also works as a Personal trainer. I have got him to put a couple of blogs together, aimed at those of you who like running triathlons, iron mans and marathons. Its important for you to start the right way and get things done properly.

Some of Max’s recent achievement are to run a 50 mile race in 6hr: 35mis and PB for 100 miles in 19hr: 30mins., He assures we he on course to smash this next year. I’ve qualified for the Spartathlon next year, which is honestly one of the toughest races on the planet (153 miles in Greece in Sept). 

If you want to get involved and find out all about max then follow him on twitter  or email him for some PT work @maxwillcocks @lifestylesuk

Going Long-Strength and Conditioning, The Basics To Get You started:

Anyone who thinks that endurance athletes aren't 'strong' would be very wide of the mark. They may not look like they are carved from the same marble as say, Mr. James Haskell, a good friend of mine and a mountain of a man-but their muscles have the ability to function for hours at a medium to high intensity.

 This means that if you want to prepare yourself for the rigours of ultra endurance competitions, first and foremost you have to make sure your body is ready to face the miles and the hills that these challenges throw at you.

Sometimes just going out and running isn't enough. 

Here's a basic routine to keep those legs nice and strong. To often people looking to get into fitness, go straight out round running. They don’t have the right shoes, and haven’t prepared their bodies and joints for the wear they will face.
Compound body weight exercises have the advantage of being able to be performed anywhere and without the need for extra equipment, so you can do these at the end or before your slower runs. 

  • Walking lunge x20 
Walking lunge with torso twist x20

  • Side squats x20 each side

  • Split lunge x20 each leg

  • Step ups x20 each leg
Reverse lunge into high knee x20 each leg

(Please see below for descriptions)

Lunges are great firstly because they help strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and quads as well as work your core muscles but also because it will help you keep your hip flexor muscles well stretched. 

Make sure you activate your glutes and core while doing all these exercises, strength and conditions will not only help you improve your mileage but also your times and your resistance to injury.

To activate your glutes, firstly think about the muscles that you are trying to use, secondly partially tense your glute while in the contraction phase of the exercise. Same works for the core, a gentle tense of your stomach muscles will help keep your core muscles working. 

Reverse lunge into high knee. Drop into a backwards lunge from a standing position, hold for a second which rear knee a couple of inches off the ground, return to standing and drive your rear leg through so that it comes into a high knee. From here drop straight back into your next rep.

Split lunge: Take a nice big step into a lunge, rather than stand back up again stay in the lunge position and try to move your torso vertically up and down keeping as much pressure through the heel of your front foot as possible. 

Step ups: Find a park bench or a low wall about knee high. Stand with one foot on the wall/bench; push down into your heel of your front foot to drive your body up until you are stood standing two feet together on the wall. 

Side squat: With two feet stood together take a step sideways keeping your feet parallel to one another. Transfer your weight onto your outside foot that you have just moved and make sure your knee bends trying to get your bottom low to the ground. Keep your chest high and your back straight. 

After running or performing exercises make sure that you get your nutrition right, wether thats eating some food rich in protien and good carbs, like some tuna, and sweet potato. If it's not possible to eat then you should try some supplements to help you get the top up you need. 

Try Maximuscle Recovermax or Cyclone as good reliable supplements to get you started. Make sure you get your diet right first.

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