Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Training - Bicep and Triceps

Split Body Parts – Biceps and Triceps

Following on from my theme of split body parts here are a couple of tricep and Bicep sessions that you might want to use. Again this can be done as a one off session to get a good pump, or part of a longer program to build some size. Check out the previous section on split body parts for a more in depth description. Try to always keep strict form and 1,2,3 tempo.

Session Biceps.

1) Under handgrip chins 3 x 6 –12 reps

2) Z bar curls 4 x 8- 12 reps

3) Hammer curls 3 x 8-12 reps

4) Straight bar barbell curls 3x 8 – 12 reps

5) Concentration curls 3 x 10 reps

Session Triceps

1) Dips 4 x 8-12 reps

2) Skull crushers 3 x 8 -12

3) Rope pulldown 3 x 8-12

4) Narrow hand placement press ups. 3 x 10

Make sure after a session like this you get your post workout nutrition right and into your body within 30minutes. Ideally you want to eat some high protein and carbohydrates. Chicken breasts, turkey, tuna are all good. Sweet potato, yams, etc.

If you cant get to food, or it's no practical then you can trying using some supplements. There are loads of different ones out there and it can be quite tricky. I try to use Maximuscle products, as they have a large simple range, that is all drug tested. 

For those starting out try these simple ones. PROMAX which is a great protien source, or something like RECOVERMAX.  CYCLONE Is great for size building and gaining weight.

You can go a bit more advanced or complicated with stand alone supplements.With things like BCAAS or Branch Chain Amino Acids.

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