Monday, May 21, 2012

Training - Holiday work out

If you are going away for the summer, and find yourself without a gym. Then don’t panic you can keep topping up, where ever you are. All you need is a floor and a sturdy chair.

You could be a complete keeno and take away a TRX system or the equivalent. I have been guilty of that a few times, but that’s a story for another day.

This session is all done with body weight; it’s a circuit and is done continuously with no rest.

Session – Hotel room top up.
Press ups normal – shoulder width apart 10 reps

Press ups wide
- wider than shoulders 7 reps

Press ups narrow hand placement- hands right together under your chest. 5 reps

Chair squats – Squat down, just till your bottom touches the chair then fire up quickly. 20 reps.

Alternate leg lunges- 10 on each leg so 20 in total

Bulgarian Split squat – one leg up on the chair behind you, the other out in front of you. Then you stay tall, and squat down, without moving forward. The weight goes through the heel of your front foot. See picture 10 reps each leg, 20 in total

Chair Dips – Hands shoulder width apart behind you on the edge of the chair.  See picture. Feet out in front of you. You dip down, taking all the weight through the backs of your arms and come back up (triceps) 20 reps of this

Crunches – lay on the floor. Legs out straight, arms out straight over your head. You draw your knees up to your chest, and come up with your arms.  Your hands go either side of your knees, Crunching up in the middle, then you lower your legs , and arms go back just off the floor over you hear and you repeat again. 20 times. You can put any other abdominal exercise here

You do this circuit through 6 times  with no rest. If you have a good chair and you don’t feel like falling over. Finish with 2 sets of Bicep chair curls to failure; you obviously need a certain type of chair to do these.


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