This is a standard session that you can add into you program to cover your legs off for the week. It should be a foundation session, i.e. something that you always try and achieve each week. In season this is more of strength routine as opposed to lift high reps. It can be made into either a strength or hypertrophy session, all depending on the rep range. Too many people neglect the legs, don't be one of them.
This session is to be done with free weights; again this is not something to try if you are a beginner or just starting out. Make sure you get someone qualified to take you through this session and build slowly.
You can change this program so you keep in certain exercise and convert them to just Body weight. You will of course then need to change the rep range. Higher being better.
Session – Leg Weights
Start with a warm up on a bike. Do 3 mins at a normal pace, then turn the resistance up to a strong as you can go, you then stand up out of the saddle, and peddle 20 times forward and 20 times backwards. You repeat this 5 times in total. You should have a good leg pump on and ready to lift some weights. Helps those with sore legs, knee problems etc.
If you need to warm up further then, jump on the Mini Bands (mentioned on this blog already) and warm up a bit longer.
- Barbell box squat. – Find a strongbox or bench that you can squat down onto. Make sure the depth is, say parallel or just above it. You need a couple of warm up sets before you start working. The idea is to squat down, so your bottom touches the box, then just as it touches you fire back up again focusing on hip drive and powering the bar up
When you are ready, put a weight on you can do 6 reps with.
You are working for 3 sets of 6 reps
Calf Raises- If you are starting off then just use body weight. Find a raised bar or calf raise machine and do 12 on each leg, making sure you do the down phase as well as the app phase. Make sure you flex up through your big toe and not just the outside of you feet.
3 sets of 12 reps- to be done in a super set with the Barbell box squat.
Trap bar deadlift (see pic)/ normal deadlift – again warm up on a couple of light sets. If you are using a normal barbell and you use an alternate underhand grip i.e. one hand over the bar, the other hand under the bar, change sides each rep. If using a trap bar then no problems.
With the deadlift the aim is to get a good start position, a straight back and then you let your legs do the work, taking the weight through your heels. Good technique is key on this.
Check the YouTube link out for details (apologies for the boring intro)
1 set of 5, then 3 sets of 3 reps.
Hamstring ball pulls. – You lay on your back with one foot on a Swiss ball; the other leg is in the air. You role the ball towards your bottom with the foot, which is on it, then you roll it away as far as you can go, while keep your hips high in the air. You do this 8 times on each leg, if you are starting out then put both feet on a bigger ball, and roll it backwards and forwards.
This is a super set with the deadlift. You are doing it 3 times round and if single leg 8 reps, if double then 12 reps
Single leg Romanian deadlift. - You start with both feet on the floor holding a weighted barbell, and then you take your weight onto one leg, while keeping your back straight and chest up. You let the bar come down, as you do this the leg not on the floor goes up behind. The leg on the floor is taking all the weight; your focus is to use the hamstring and glutes to keep your balance. You lower the bar as far as you can till you feel a pull in the back of your leg and as long as your technique, i.e. your chest and back stays straight. Then you stand back up slowly, lowering the leg back to the floor and releasing of the standing leg glute. You repeat this 6 times each leg.
3 set of 6 reps each leg.
Finish with a little AB circuit,
Side crunches 10 reps
Hanging knee raises 12 reps
Sprinter crunches (done quickly) 20
Do this through twice.
Get a recovery shake in you and then some food.
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